Fr. Bill Barrow


Father Bill, comes to us from New Bern, North Carolina, near the beaches of the Southern Outer Banks. Originally an attorney and businessman for over 25 years, Father Bill, answered the Lord’s life-long call to ordained ministry in his early Fifties. Father Bill was ordained to the Priesthood in the Orthodox Anglican Church (OAC) at 58 years young, and immediately was installed as Priest & Vicar of Saint James Orthodox Anglican Church in New Bern, North Carolina, a fledgling Parrish he and a few families founded and established in 2014, during the 5 years he served the Church as an ordained Deacon in the OAC. Father Bill is happily married to Lisa and they have one 25 year old son. Father Bill, now 62, is happily in retirement from his secular careers, and is now fully devoted to the service of the Church and the Kingdom of God, and is very grateful to be of any service to Saint Andrews, the OAC’s Theological College and Seminary.